Preparing or revising a syllabus this semester? Join us for Q&A-driven conversations on how to make your syllabus meaningful for you and your students by communicating learner-centered, inclusive course design and pedagogy. Following an open group consultation model, these sessions will introduce the Instructors' Guide to Syllabus Composition, strategic recommendations, and examples of writing an intentional syllabus.
This is a joint professional development offering by UCATT and the Office of General Education (OGE). Instructors involved in the GE Refresh are encouraged to participate. For more information, see the GE Syllabus Guidelines.
Monday, August 12: Foundations for a Learning-Focused Syllabus
The first session will address a syllabus's foundational content, structure, and language. We will illustrate examples of utilizing syllabi to highlight the alignment of course outcomes and objectives with the learning environment and assessments.
Wednesday, August 14: Composing a Student-Friendly Syllabus
The second session will address clarity in messages and tone that support a learning relationship between student and instructor. We will discuss student-centered approaches to course policies and general considerations regarding equity and user-friendliness.
Friday, August 16: An Instructor's Guide to Syllabus Composition
The third session offers a brief walk-through of the "Instructor's Guide to Syllabus Composition" and invites participants to share questions, comments, and examples in an open-office-hour style.
All webinars occur from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (Arizona Time) on Zoom.