Professional Development Catalog

A vector-like illustration of two UArizona notepads, one red and one brown, are neatly placed next to a keyboard.

We offer many types of professional development opportunities, delivered virtually and face-to-face, throughout the year. 

All of our offerings are also available by request for instructors in the U of A community. For preparation and planning purposes, please submit your request at least two (2) weeks in advance.

Request an Offering

Online Mini-Courses

These offerings are facilitated online courses in Brightspace, ranging from 1-2 weeks in duration. Expect to devote 30 minutes to one hour a day to complete the activities in a mini-course.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week
Discover the impact of instructor presence, collaboration, personalized learning, and social networking in the development of community, connectedness, and learning in online courses.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week
Create a plan for collaborative and group learning in courses.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week 
Establish assessment strategies and techniques that can be implemented at the course level to measure student learning, course design, and teaching practices.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week
Explore strategies for designing and facilitating effective online discussions that expand student exposure to curriculum, deepen learning, and increase student engagement.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week
Refine and revise an existing course plan and syllabus using the methodology of backward design and the principle of alignment.

Location: Virtual
Length: 2 weeks
Focus on foundational reflections to introduce strategies for intentionally building and strengthening instructor-student relationships. 

Location: Virtual
Length: 2 weeks
Experience taking an online course while learning about methods, tools, and best practices for teaching hybrid and fully online courses.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week 
Weave personal stories into teaching, drawing upon cognitive science, neuroscience, and psychology research.

Location: Virtual
Length: 1 week
Learn strategies and techniques that engage and motivate students in large online classes.


These offerings offer maximum flexibility while still providing high-quality learning opportunities. 

Self-paced asynchronous tutorials are available at any time via BrightSpace Explore and EDGE Learning

Location: Virtual
Length: 4 self-paced guided modules
Take a deeper dive into the online course development design process.


These offerings are designed to educate and engage you on specific topics. These range from 15 to 60 minutes in duration.

Location: Virtual
Length: 15 minutes
Learn about the UDL framework to apply principles of universality and accessibility in online courses.

Location: Virtual
Length: 15 minutes
Gain insight to increase visibility and personality within online courses to create a culture of connectedness.

Location: Virtual
Length: 30 minutes 
Monthly webinar series covering a variety of D2L-related topics with 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A.

Location: Virtual
Length: 30 minutes
Webinar series covering D2L topics related to the start of the academic year with 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A.

Location: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Discuss challenges and share creative ideas for combining tech with pedagogy.

Location: Virtual
Length: 30-60 minutes
A review of the new features in Brightspace.

Location: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Provides an informational overview of some of the various instructional technology tools that instructors can utilize within their courses (e.g. Panopto, PlayPosit, Pressbooks, VoiceThread, Zoom).

Location: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Learn about recent updates and new features that Zoom has released.

Location: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Each month of the academic year, we take a deep dive into one of the Quality Matters Rubric Standards. These webinars are open to anyone who designs and/or teaches online or blended courses at U of A.

Quality Matters Workshops

Quality Matters workshops are free, professional growth opportunities offered to all U of A instructors. Participants who complete the APPQMR will receive certificates from Quality Matters.

Location: Virtual
Length: 2 weeks
Take a deep dive into the QM rubric to learn the underlying principles of the QM rubric and develop an understanding of the quality assurance process.

Location: Virtual
Length: 2 weeks
Use the QM Rubric as a framework for assessing and revising your own online course.

Location: Virtual
Length: 2 weeks
Create a plan for course improvement using the Specific Review Standards of the Quality Matters Rubric.

Location: Virtual
Length: 3 weeks
Learn how to build accessible and inclusive online courses that includes a deep dive into the principles and practices of Universal Design Theory.


These offerings are in multiple modalities where the outcome is a product or specific knowledge that can be implemented immediately.

Location: Virtual
Length: 8 weeks
Join your colleagues to learn how to develop your online course with an instructional designer facilitating the experience.

Location: Virtual
Length: 5 weeks
Learn the process of online course design: creating content, organizing and presenting content, and creating successful online learning environments for students.


We offer app-specific online workshops, host regular one-on-one office hours for your creative projects and ideas, and host special events throughout the year.