Fall 2022 Quality Matters Course Revision Clinic
Learn about best practices in online course design, engage in a learning community and receive fair compensation in the Fall 2022 QM Course Revision Clinic.

Paid Opportunity to Update Your Online Course!
Have you recently developed and taught an online course? If so, are you satisfied with your course as is, or could it be improved? Perhaps there are things in your course that you would like to change, but you simply cannot find the time or motivation to do so. Or maybe you have a vague feeling that you could be doing more to improve the learning experience for your students, but you aren’t sure where to begin.
If these scenarios resonate with you, you might consider signing up for the Fall 2022 QM Course Revision Clinic. During this clinic, we will learn about best practices in online course design, and we will apply these best practices to evaluate and revise our own courses. Upon completion, your course will receive $500 in compensation. These clinics offer UArizona instructors the opportunity to engage in a learning community and to receive fair compensation for their course revision work.
The Fall 2022 QM Course Revision Clinic (QM-CRC) consists of two separate in-person events. Participants will be compensated $250 per event attended, with the condition that all required activities are completed.
Event 1: Course Awareness Clinic
During the first event, you will learn how to apply an abbreviated version of the Quality Matters rubric to evaluate your course and create a course revision plan
Independent Course Revision Between Clinics
You will implement your revisions into your course before the second event.
Event 2: Course Review Clinic
During the second event, you will present your course revisions and receive feedback from the group and from qualified instructional designers who are trained in Quality Matters course design principles.
Each instructor will receive $500, in a one-time pay-out in exchange for full participation in each clinic and completion of all required activities. The required activities and breakdown of the compensation are stated below.
Clinic 1
- Requirements to receive compensation:
- Full participation in Clinic 1 in-person event (4 hours)
- Complete course revision plan created (during clinic 1)
- All course revisions implemented before clinic 2 (10 hours)
Clinic 2
- Requirements to receive compensation:
- Full participation in Clinic 2 in-person event (4 hours)
- Faculty reflection questionnaire completed (20 minutes)
- Amendment report completed (20-30 minutes)
Total time compensated: about 20 hours
** The clinics run from 10:00am to 2:00pm, but we will work with your schedule if you need to teach during this time.
Because this event is part of a larger research project, recruitment is selective, and it is based on the following factors. Only instructors teaching fully developed online courses are eligible to participate. All applicants must be eligible to receive Other Professional Services Compensation (OPS). From this group, we seek instructors with little to no previous experience with Quality Matters. Additionally, we request that any interested participant share their course with us to review before and after they complete the clinics. These review responses will be shared after Clinic 2 ends.
Space is extremely limited! There is room for only ten instructors, so please apply as soon as possible if you are interested. This small number ensures that each participant receives adequate support from facilitators. It also allows us to compensate participants fairly for their work.
- Registration open: August 25th – September 24th
- Clinic 1: Wednesday, September 28th
- Clinic 2: Wednesday, November 9th
To participate in the Course Revision Clinics, please fill out the registration form before September 24th.
“An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The University of Arizona reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable, according to applicable state and federal regulations and University policies designed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research.”