Your August Course Design Tip
Learn how to make your file names clean, concise, and clear in D2L.

Having a clear and consistent naming structure for your course is an easy way to implement a positive and impactful change for both students and fellow faculty that may also be teaching from the same materials or D2L site.
Some additional benefits include:
Helps strengthen several specific review standards under general standard 8 in the QM rubric.
Improves course accessibility and inclusion.
Reduces cognitive load and overall confusion from students.
Helps reduce those 3 AM “I can’t find this!!” emails.
Students can focus on the material, instead of getting frustrated trying to locate a specific reading, or assignment sheet.
Supports newer faculty, TA’s, and co-instructors locate information, understand the course design, and support students.
Before uploading or creating files to D2L, review the file names and rename files so they have clear and self-explanatory names.
Lecture 1 PowerPoint Slides.pptx
Linear Regression Worksheet.docx
ODL 101 Spring 2021 Syllabus.pdf
Week 1 Overview
In D2L
Even if you have a course or you are creating a course for the first time, it is very easy to update the file names in D2L.
Edit Properties In-Place: This allows you to edit the name of files, webpages, and other content individually.
Bulk Edit: This awesome feature allows you to update file names(among other things too!) for everything in the module. This is an awesome time-saving feature that allows you to update batches of files at once.