Outcomes, Objectives, and Alignment, Oh My!
Demonstrating alignment in your course is a simple way to demonstrate to your learners the interconnectedness of all parts of your course.

One of the most helpful things you can do for your learners is to demonstrate the alignment of your course materials, assignments and assessments, and your course outcomes or objectives. Visually demonstrating your alignment will show your learners how their learning is interconnected and woven throughout the course. It will demonstrate the same to outside observers. Demonstrating the alignment in your course will also assist you in earning a Quality Matters Internal Seal for your course. There are several ways that alignment can be demonstrated within a course. There are a myriad of ways of demonstrating alignment, and here are a few ideas.
Demonstrating alignment within a course using a table.
Outcomes | Instructional Materials | Time on Task | |
Assignments or Assessments |
Demonstrating alignment using a Numbering System.
- ) Assignment (a,c)
- ) Assignment (b)
- ) Assignment (b,c)
a. )Module Outcome
b. )Module Outcome
c. )Module Outcome