Gretchen Gibbs

Gretchen Gibbs accompanies people in using technology to teach - online or in a classroom. Gretchen is knowledgeable in helping instructors make changes in how they teach by introducing new tools, methods, or ideas. Her approach is practical and supportive. She is a Professor of Practice in the graduate-level College Teaching program at the University of Arizona. She facilitates professional development to create engaging, effective, inclusive, and sustainable online learning experiences.
After completing undergraduate studies in painting and printmaking, Gretchen made participatory community video documentaries in Argentina and Arizona for ten years. She taught herself HTML and started teaching online in 1996. This cultivated her interest in how technology affects the production and propagation of knowledge, the agency in identity formation, and changes in beliefs and behavior. Gretchen has taught English language, art history and critical media literacy.
- B.A. Art, Reed College
- M.A. History of Art, University of Arizona