Aimee Mapes

Aimee Mapes is delighted to join UCATT as Director of Writing Across the Curriculum. She has a Ph.D. in Language, Literacy, and Culture from the University of Iowa and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Duke University. Her scholarly interests include linguistic social justice, literacy theory, sociocultural theories of learning, teacher training, and writing across the curriculum. Focused on identity and agency, her research examines student writing development and the teaching of writing in university contexts. She has published in Association on Higher Education & Disability, College Composition & Communication, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing & Rhetoric; WPA: Writing Program Administration, and several edited collections.
Once awarded Freshman Teacher of the Year at Louisiana State University, Aimee has over 20 years of university teaching experience. At UArizona she regularly teaches first-year writing, introduction to qualitative methodology, research methodology in writing studies, and writing in the disciplines.
- B.A. English Studies
- M.A. English with an emphasis in Rhetoric & Composition
- Ph.D. Language, Literacy, & Culture with a minor in Rhetoric