Welcome to our Instructional Design Contacts directory. We are committed to providing exceptional support to all instructors for course development and enhancement across all our colleges.
To make it easy for you to get in touch with the right person, we've compiled a list of the dedicated instructional designers assigned to each of our colleges. These talented professionals are here to help you leverage best practices and innovative strategies to create engaging, effective learning experiences for your students. Simply find your college in the list below and reach out to your designated contact to discuss your course design needs and explore the many ways they can assist you in achieving your instructional goals.
College | Instructional Design Contact |
College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences | Adam Davi |
College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture | Matt Romanoski |
College of Applied Science and Technology | Matt Romanoski |
College of Education | Matt Romanoski |
Eller College of Management | Matt Romanoski |
College of Engineering | Stephanie Tammen |
College of Fine Arts | Laura Smith |
Graduate College | Cathy Russell |
W.A. Franke Honors College | Cathy Russell |
College of Humanities | Laura Smith |
James E. Rogers College of Law | Matt Romanoski |
College of Medicine - Tucson | Laura Smith |
College of Medicine - Phoenix | Cathy Russell |
Wyatt College of Optical Sciences | Adam Davi |
College of Nursing | Matt Romanoski |
R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy | Stephanie Tammen |
Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health | Stephanie Tammen |
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences | Adam Davi |
College of Science | Stephanie Tammen |
College of Veterinary Medicine | Matt Romanoski |

Not sure what kind of assistance you need?
Contact Janet Smith for general inquiries about UCATT services and support.